Choosing the right tool for the automated testing

Session Room
Room 208 (Jakala)
Time Slot
Fri 11:25-12:15
Session track
DevOps & Quality Assurance
Experience level
50 min

The automated testing page of Drupal documentation is huge, but unfortunately, it leaves so many questions.

There are different types of automated testing - unit, kernel, functional. Do I need them all? Do I run them all? If there so many tests in the core, do I need to add my own? When to run the tests? Why are there tools that reside in the core, others must be installed separately (behat, cypress). How do I choose the right tool to write client-specific tests?

In this session, I am going to focus on the automated testing of a "normal" client project, and help in the hard choice of the right tool.

In a client project, you probably do not need the same test types that core has.

You also probably do not need to run the core tests with the same frequency as you run project-specific tests.

The answer to remaining question is "it depends". Let's figure out together what are the moving parts in this equation