Custom Elements UI: quicker changes to your decoupled Drupal site

Session Room
Room 218 (BoFs & Workshops)
Time Slot
Thu 14:15-15:05
Session track
Decoupled & Frontend Development
Experience level

First (depending on audience) we'll do a quick intro to the Custom Elements module and the current ecosystem of decoupled solutions (JSON APIs) built around it, for context.

Then, a demo of 

  • the Custom Elements UI shipped with the new version of the module,
  • how to propagate changes made in the UI, to your frontend (demo in nuxt.js)

to show how this can make for a less strict division between 'backend' and 'frontend' tasks, which could shorten the turnaround time for implementing changes in your decoupled site structure.

If there's enough time, we'll be happy to discuss any related matters afterwards, e.g. the current state of the Lupus Decoupled contrib module or any other solutions built on top of Custom Elements.