UI Patterns 2: Unleash SDC power, plug your components directly in Drupal UI.

Session Room
Room 208 (Jakala)
Time Slot
Thu 11:25-12:15
Session track
Innovation & The future
Experience level
50 min

Since 2017, UI Patterns is a popular (5000+ installations in March 2024) modules ecosystem to manage UI components and use them in Drupal : with Blocks, Layouts, Entity fields, Views... 

Starting summer 2023, Drupal Core has now its own UI components API, SDC, which was met with well-deserved success.  However, there is no solution yet to make the integration between the components and Drupal as easy and flexible as what UI Patterns is providing.

So, we are currently developing UI Patterns 2 upon SDC, replacing its own component declaration format and discovery by the SDC one, keeping the powerful integration with site building, while being compatible with the emerging SDC ecosystem.

This rewrite is also giving us the unique opportunity to restructure our codebase, fixing some long-expected issues, and consolidating our existing ecosystem while staying compatible with the numerous themes using UI Patterns and providing an extensive upgrade path for a smooth transition.

We are excited to show you how we joined 8 years of passion and experience to the modern Drupal Core additions. How it will make your Drupal life easier. And what great future leads ahead.


I am Pierre, the creator and leader of UI Suite, a 40 Drupalers community dedicated to implementing Web design systems for Drupal, and the main maintainer of UI Patterns, our module focused on UI Components.

This is a brand new talk. We plan to release the  highly anticipated UI Patterns 2.0.0-beta1 during the dev days 🚀  this is so exciting.

If I am coming in Burgas, I would also be pleased to give a workshop about UI Suite and Web design systems.