Fancy Frontend Features

Session Room
Room 207 (1xINTERNET)
Time Slot
Thu 14:15-15:05
Session track
Decoupled & Frontend Development
Experience level
50 min

Browsers are continuously adding useful CSS and JS features: The Parent Selector :has. Container Queries. CSS Nesting. Popover API. :focus-visible. New viewport units. View Transitions API. Etc. You can already use some of these in your projects – depending on which older browser versions you still have to consider. And new features keep coming.

Last year at Drupal Dev Days Vienna I gave a broad overview of a lot of these new features. See the slides here:

This session will focus on some of these items and go into more detail. This includes for example Cascade Layers and the new @scope in CSS. We will also look at some of the experimental features you may test in Chrome or Firefox, like Scroll-Linked Animations and Masonry Grid Layout. If I have some time at the end I will add some new features in DevTools.