

Suzanne Dergacheva

Suzanne Dergacheva

Co-founder of Evolving Web and Promote Drupal Initiative Lead

Frederik W.

Frederik Wouters

Creator of momentum, passionate about the Digital Enterprise, technology and sports.

Stanko Metodiev Keynote Speaker

Stanko Metodiev

CTO of DevriX, WordPress Consultant

Lauri Keynote Speaker

Lauri Timmanee

Product Manager at Drupal


Gábor Hojtsy

Gábor Hojtsy

Full Stack Community Organizer, School Founder

Critstina Chumillas Featured Speaker

Cristina Chumillas

Senior Front-end Developer at Lullabot, Drupal core front-end framework manager and UX and Claro co-maintainer

Klaus Purer Featured Speaker

Klaus Purer

Principal Engineer at Jobiqo

Tobias Zimmermann Featured Speaker

Tobias Zimmermann

Software Developer at resc.

Nerea Enrique Featured Speaker

Nerea Enrique

PHP Engineer at ekino