Running Drupal on AWS

Session Room
Room 207 (1xINTERNET)
Time Slot
Fri 15:20-16:10
Session track
DevOps & Quality Assurance
Experience level
50 min

Brief description of the session:

In recent years, cloud services become more and more popular as they constantly improve and broaden their offer. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has a wide selection of services allowing for hosting and running Drupal applications of any size and complexity, allowing for flexibility of control, scalability, and increasing complexity, and predictable costs.

In the present tutorial, we’ll build a sample cloud-native architecture for Drupal hosted on AWS, which provides scalability, high throughput, fast content delivery, extensibility, security and follows Drupal best practices. Key components of the architecture on AWS side are EC2 on-demand instances, load balances, RDS SQL database, ElastiCache Redis, S3 file storage, and CloudFront CDN. We’ll consider modules that need to be used on Drupal side and their setup. We’ll briefly look at how this architecture can be adjusted to and extended for particular use-cases. We’ll also mention alternative options that AWS offers for some parts of this architecture, and discuss potential risks and traps of running Drupal on AWS.

Full text of the corresponding tutorial can be found at

I attach slides too, slides do not contain any screenshots, but i hope there will be a chance to make a live demo of AWS Console and Drupal backend during the session.

My profile for reference