
Check out the schedule for Drupal Developer Days 2024. For information on keynote and featured speakers, visit the speakers page.

AI and Drupal: Build smarter systems

Experience level
Session track
Innovation & The future
Session Room
Room 207 (1xINTERNET)
Time Slot
Thu 09:15-10:05

See some of the coolest AI modules that improve Drupal right now. I'll also be giving a simple explanation of the basics of retrieval augmented generation and how to it is applied on Drupal.

With this knowledge you'll understand how AI can help you free up time and resources in your organization, so it can focus on the things that really matter. 

Imagine being able to automate routine tasks, or having a system that can give you intelligent insights and recommendations. That's the power of AI in Drupal.

You'll never look at AI in Drupal the same way again!

Drupal 11 deep dive: what's new, how to prepare

Gábor Hojtsy
Experience level
Session track
Innovation & The future
Session Room
Room 207 (1xINTERNET)
Time Slot
Thu 10:20-11:10

Come to this session to learn more about what's new in Drupal 11, what's changed and how to prepare. As of this submission, Drupal 11 is targeted for August 2024 with a fallback of December 2024, so by Drupal Dev Days Burgas 2024, we should have a really good idea about it.

An Introduction to Caches in Drupal

Experience level
Session track
Backend development
Session Room
Room 208 (Jakala)
Time Slot
Thu 10:20-11:10

High-level introduction to caches in Drupal, contextualizing and correlating the diverse caching systems that may come into play in a Drupal site, with the aim of providing a comprehensive and understandable overview of this topic.

Previous knowledge is not required, as we will start from the very basics, providing a definition of cache and some basic concepts, to gradually move on to more complex topics. However, it is necessary to have had direct contact with Drupal projects to have a context and be familiar with certain terminology.

Open meeting of Drupal Bulgaria Association

Experience level
Session track
Open Web & Community
Session Room
Room 218 (BoFs & Workshops)
Time Slot
Thu 10:20-11:50

Drupal Bulgaria Association is a new (created in 2024) non-profit that aims to promote Drupal and open source in Bulgaria.

We'd like to be as open as possible in our decisions.

At this meeting, we'd like to discuss with all interested sides the following topics:

  • Organizing structure
  • Different types of membership and member fees
  • Roadmap for 2024/2025


Drupal and Next: practical workshop

Experience level
Session track
Decoupled & Frontend Development
Session Room
Room 217 Workshops
Time Slot
Thu 10:20-11:50

See and try yourself how Drupal connects with Next.js and why it may (or may not) be your Next solution.

You will need a laptop capable of using DDEV (Linux or Win/Mac with Docker desktop) and a skill to follow the rapid setting up of the environment, pulling and building the required stack. I'll try to help novices to be able to set up and play. It should be fun.

We will set up the Drupal project, and configure it properly. Then we will set up Next.js. After connecting the two, we will be able to test and play with the combo with a few prepared demonstration use cases.

AI with Drupal - Using LLM technology is easy, but how do you actually build useful applications?

Experience level
Session track
Project Management & Business
Session Room
Room 207 (1xINTERNET)
Time Slot
Thu 11:25-12:15

Using AI applications such as ChatGPT from OpenAI is easy and many have already gained experience using it. Obvious applications like creating or re-writing text already have a nice integration with Drupal.

However, the real value of “Large Language Models” (LLMs) lies in building custom applications for clients using their data and tailoring the applications to their business processes.

UI Patterns 2: Unleash SDC power, plug your components directly in Drupal UI.

Experience level
Session track
Innovation & The future
Session Room
Room 208 (Jakala)
Time Slot
Thu 11:25-12:15

Since 2017, UI Patterns is a popular (5000+ installations in March 2024) modules ecosystem to manage UI components and use them in Drupal : with Blocks, Layouts, Entity fields, Views... 

Starting summer 2023, Drupal Core has now its own UI components API, SDC, which was met with well-deserved success.  However, there is no solution yet to make the integration between the components and Drupal as easy and flexible as what UI Patterns is providing.

Lunch Break

Experience level
Session track
Session Room
Time Slot
Thu 12:15-14:15

Lunch Break

Fancy Frontend Features

Experience level
Session track
Decoupled & Frontend Development
Session Room
Room 207 (1xINTERNET)
Time Slot
Thu 14:15-15:05

Browsers are continuously adding useful CSS and JS features: The Parent Selector :has. Container Queries. CSS Nesting. Popover API. :focus-visible. New viewport units. View Transitions API. Etc. You can already use some of these in your projects – depending on which older browser versions you still have to consider. And new features keep coming.

Last year at Drupal Dev Days Vienna I gave a broad overview of a lot of these new features. See the slides here:

Keys and Voices: The Limits of automated Accessibility Testing Tools

Experience level
Session track
Accessibility, User Experience & Marketing
Session Room
Room 208 (Jakala)
Time Slot
Thu 14:15-15:05
Workshop Time: wave says OK! Is my website save? Let's find out where users with disabilities get trapped although you get 0 Errors from automated testing tools like wave, axe or lighthouse. We will have a look at the vital role of simple keyboard navigation and some enhanced manual accessibility testing, including screen readers.

Getting Started with Drupal: A Hands-On Workshop

Experience level
Session track
Open Web & Community
Session Room
Room 217 Workshops
Time Slot
Thu 14:15-16:15

Are you new to Drupal? Or interested in conducting training? This workshop is designed just for you! Whether you're a student, a member of another community, or simply eager to learn, join this class for an exciting journey into the world of Drupal.

During this hands-on workshop, we'll focus on site building and explore some of the basic core features of Drupal accessible via the admin panel. Get ready to dive right in as we create our first project together!

Crafting Tomorrow: Key Learnings from Building a free Drupal Academy

Experience level
Session track
Innovation & The future
Session Room
Room 207 (1xINTERNET)
Time Slot
Thu 15:20-16:10


To maximize the session's value, participants should possess:- A foundational understanding of web technologies and Drupal. While advanced technical skills are not mandatory, familiarity with Drupal's core concepts will enhance the learning experience.
- A vested interest in educational innovation within the tech sector, especially as it relates to Drupal training.

Multisites made easy with Group Sites

Experience level
Session track
Backend development
Session Room
Room 208 (Jakala)
Time Slot
Thu 15:20-16:10

Building a single website that serves multiple sites has been possible for a while, but it's always been a hassle to set up. Whether you were using D7's multisite features, Spaces and Persistent URL, Domain (Access), ... they all had their limitations.

Drupal's Alternate Realities

Experience level
Session track
Backend development
Session Room
Room 218 (BoFs & Workshops)
Time Slot
Thu 15:20-15:50

In Drupal there is a philosophy of having only one module to fit most cases. Though this is mostly actually happening, there are still various ways of solving the same problem.

In this session, I am going to present some problems and the various ways someone may solve them using different core or contrib modules or technologies.

We are going to take a glimpse of the features each similar module has: starting from Panels / Context and Display Suite / Layout Builder reaching REST / JSON:API and more.

AI Initiative

Experience level
Session track
Innovation & The future
Session Room
Room 218 (BoFs & Workshops)
Time Slot
Thu 16:00-16:55

A place to discuss the AI initiative and the AI module. Come to learn how to use it and our plans for it or bring us ideas of what you’d like to see in it, how you’d like to contribute or build on top of it.

Navigating complex B2B landscapes: The BikeAlert story through Drupal Commerce

Experience level
Session track
Clients & Industry Experiences
Session Room
Room 207 (1xINTERNET)
Time Slot
Thu 16:25-16:55

BikeAlert SA is a significant international brand dedicated to providing a wide range of parts and accessories for motorcycles.

Our solution is a cutting-edge B2B platform, crafted using Drupal 10, that allows users to shop for motorcycle parts by specifying vehicle brands, model years, engine sizes, and models. This ensures that wholesale customers can easily find items that are compatible with their client’s motorcycles.

Next.js and Headless Drupal: Unleashing Advanced Web Solution Strategies

Experience level
Session track
Decoupled & Frontend Development
Session Room
Room 208 (Jakala)
Time Slot
Thu 16:25-16:55

Embark on a journey through Next.js and Headless Drupal, as we unveil web challenges and share advanced strategies for conquering them. Join us for a dive into innovative web solutions!

A Drupal experience and a grasp of React/Next.js are essential for the session. Additionally, a fundamental understanding of decoupled architecture is recommended to fully engage and derive maximum value from this session.

хоро (Horo) dance lesson

Experience level
Session track
Social Event
Session Room
Central foyer
Time Slot
Thu 17:00-17:30

Join us for a special session on the traditional Bulgarian folk dance, хоро (Horo). We encourage attendees to wear their Drupal Dev Days t-shirts to add a touch of camaraderie.


Experience level
Session track
Social Event
Session Room
Time Slot
Thu From 22:00


Live Band
Free Drinks